The CSA is like an HSA, except the CSA funds are used for home technology and personal transportation upgrades. CSA upgrades help employees lower their utility bills, fuel expenses, and work-related carbon emissions.
The CSA fosters meaningful employee engagement, reducing costs while strengthening talent attraction and retention.
The CSA demonstrates your company’s commitment to your employees’ well-being and values by fostering a mission-driven community united around sustainability.
The CSA combines financial and environmental wellness, making it a powerful tool for attracting, engaging, and retaining top talent.
Existing budgets for commuter benefits, work-from-home stipends, LSAs, or wellness reimbursements can fund CSAs, creating optionality for employees.
Utilize our flexible contribution and matching structures to drive maximum impact while minimizing company spending.
Drive strong engagement and results with 150+ customizable materials for easy communication with employees.
Track how employees are engaging with the CSA and see its direct impact in accelerating corporate ESG initiatives.
Implement the CSA within days at any time of year. Easily integrate with any payroll or HRIS provider.
Get started with any number of employees, offering flexibility for companies of any size and stage.
Offer the benefits of the CSA to employees worldwide, ensuring every employee can participate.
“I was thrilled that my company chose to offer the CSA program. They value environmental stewardship and the program fostered a mission-aligned community.”